Afsláttur hjá RockAuto (gildir til 19. júlí 2009)

Hér er hægt að spjalla um allt og ekkert, sem tengist Krúser á einhvern hátt.

Umsjónarmenn: K351, kruser5, krúser 57

Afsláttur hjá RockAuto (gildir til 19. júlí 2009)

Innleggfrá K351 » 19 Maí 2009, 22:06

Ef varahlutirnir fást ekki á Íslandi þá nota ég oftast RockAuto hér að neðan er afsláttarkóði sem gefur auka 5% afslátt hjá þeim. Þeir eru með fín verð og þjónustu ég keypti til dæmis fjóra stýrisenda og stillirærnar í Cometinn um daginn 23000 kall heim að dyrum með ShopUSA.

Discount on RockAuto Parts!

Thank you for being a customer! To show our appreciation, we have a special discount for you.

Your discount code is:


Using Your Discount Code

Enter the code above in the "How did you hear about us" line of the shopping cart. If you are using our traditional HTML catalog, please click the "Apply" button to the right of the field. Your discount will automatically appear, subtracted from your order total.

Please note: We sometimes get calls from people who put the word "discount" in front of their code and do not get the discount. Please enter ONLY the discount code, no other words or numbers.

The discount takes 5% off our already-low prices. There's no limit on order size or the number of orders. Use the code for your next order, and share the code with friends, neighbors, relatives, the guy at the corner garage--anyone you know who works on cars or trucks.

This discount code expires on July 19, 2009; so don't wait!

Share Your Experience
I hope you are happy with the parts you purchased and that your car or truck once again performs as it should. Please use the RockAuto wiki and the Reseller Ratings website to share your experience with others. When I finish a repair on my car, I know what tools to use, what other parts have to be removed to get to the one I'm replacing, what fluids will splash me if I'm not careful, and other useful facts I wish I'd known when I started. I also can recognize the symptoms more quickly if the problem happens again. Recording this knowledge in the wiki ( helps others who need to fix the same problem. It may even help you if, like me, you sometimes find yourself replacing the same part years later and struggling to remember how you did it the first time! Click the part number on your order confirmation to find the wiki page for a part. If you do not have your order confirmation, open the RockAuto catalog, look up the part you purchased and click on the blue question mark at the top of the part window. I invite you to share your experiences shopping with RockAuto by clicking the "Reseller Ratings" link at the bottom of this email.

Thanks again for buying your auto parts at RockAuto!

Tom Taylor
VP Marketing
1-866-ROCKAUTO (1-866-762-5288)
(608) 661-1376
Fax: (608) 836-5694
Björn Guðmundsson

Mercury Comet 1974
Volkswagen Vanagon 1984 - Saab knúinn
Innlegg: 121
Skráður: 15 Des 2008, 21:15

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